What is Magnetic Confinement Fusion?

What is Magnetic Confinement Fusion?

What is Magnetic Confinement Fusion? Perhaps one of the oldest approaches to fusion is magnetic confinement. Magnetic containment utilizes very strong magnetic fields to compress a highly heated hydrogen plasma within a high-vacuum container to reach fusion. While the...
What Does It Take to Commercialize Fusion?

What Does It Take to Commercialize Fusion?

What Does It Take to Commercialize Fusion? “What does it take to commercialize fusion?” is really the “trillion-dollar question”, and I don’t utilize the milestone “trillion-dollar” lightly. The forecasts in the upcoming Ignition Research report predicts exactly that...
How is Fusion Coming Along?

How is Fusion Coming Along?

How is Fusion Coming Along? Commonwealth Fusion (USA; $2B in funding) TAE Technologies (USA; $1.3B in funding) Helion Energy (USA; $577.8M in funding) General Fusion (Canada; $350.7M in funding) Neo Fusion (China; CN¥1.5B in funding – equivalent to $205M USD) Zap...